Violent Crimes Lawyer in Washington D.C

By | February 25, 2020

Violent crimes are crimes such as armed first degree murder, violent gun crimes, homicide cases, and crimes of that nature. Violent crimes are extremely complex and if you think that you can get through your case without a Washington D.C. violent crimes lawyer then you are wrong. You will need a lawyer to be on your side to defend you. If you try to get through your case without a lawyer there is a much higher chance that you will be found guilty, get a higher fine, and serve a longer sentence. Do not hesitate if you were charged with a violent crime get in contact with a lawyer as quickly as you possibly can.


Lotze Mosley LLP are a Washington D.C. based criminal law firm who have been helping people with their cases for years. Their attorneys are highly experienced and have the best ways of helping their clients. You do not want to go up against your criminal case alone, which is why you should be hiring a Washington D.C. violent crimes lawyer to represent you. Having an attorney on your side can benefit you more than you could originally thought. When you have a skilled attorney on your side you can get a lesser sentence, smaller fines, or even less parole time. Do not hesitate to look into a criminal defense lawyer in Washington D.C. to help you with your violent crimes case.

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